My most recent interaction was to enhance my understanding of how the spam filtering worked and how I could further automate the blocking of spam. The program has performed very well and the small issues were generally “user issues” rather than faults.

Mailraider review pro#
I have used MailWasher Pro since 2007 to block an ever increasing amount of Spam, and had to call on “support” several times.
Mailraider review software#
I have used this software for several years now, I don't have any cons. create a Good Filter to always allow emails with a wildcard 'from' address of or even use regular expressions on to, from addresses, subject lines, email body, etc.) Setting up 'Good Filters' and 'Bad Filters' is also easy (e.g. the Bayesian training is straightforward (and automatic) and it's easy to start over if needed. It's very easy to learn, configure and use. I have a small consultancy with a few clients who utilize my mailserver, and MailWasher Server protects all of them (multiple email accounts in multiple domains). Mailwasher (Server) makes my life easier by automatically blocking spam and junk at the mail server level. Support has been very timely and efficient, often going the extra mile to troubleshoot perceived issues (I say 'perceived' because so far any issue has embarrassingly been my own, not that of the software) MailWasher Server just works, and does its job very well for my needs. My overall experience has been very positive. Therefore, I mention the issue but would not see it as a reason not to use this program. I cannot think of any way the programmer could solve this though as the timeframe is far too tight. The 2% missing is due to the fact that on rare occasions an unwanted mail will slip through within the space of time you have cleaned the list and then downloaded the remainder. In the Pro category, I said that the program is 98% perfect. If you accidentally delete a mail, the restore option will allow you to retrieve it. Mailwasher leaves you to decide what is spam and what isn't. That can result in you not seeing them because they get sent to your spam folder or automatically deleted. To be succinct, ISP spam filters often classify mails as spam when they are both legitimate and important. It is 98% perfect and allows total flexibility in control of your mailbox. It provides a level of security that I have never found in any other anti-spam solution. You cannot view attachments while mails are on the server either. Because all the mail you receive remains on your ISP's server until you have cleaned it of undesirables, it is impossible to infect your machine with a virus (unless you open read it in HTML view and click on a link within the mail). I have been using Mailwasher since 1998 and could not do without it.